Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Why Should You Create An Online Portfolio?!

Working Online: Retrieved December 1, 2011 from Google Images:
Copyright 2011 by Rachel Balik
An online portfolio is a very effective and fun process. It is very beneficial both socially and professionally. This is a way to present your skills, talent, and work ability. I once heard that a portfolio is the “showcase of your work.” I strongly stand by this saying because this statement is truly correct. An online portfolio allows you to display your writing and work online so anyone can access it and read about you and what you have to say. An online portfolio can potentially be a huge aspect in getting an interview for a specific job or organization. When employers are looking to hire, they tend to search your name and see what you have created online or look at pictures in order to get a better sense of who you are as a person. It is very important to make your portfolio appropriate and professional. If you would like to learn more about how to create a successful online portfolio click on this link, it is very informative and narrows down the main strategies. 

Creating an online portfolio was a great experience and I learned a lot about myself as a journalist. At the beginning of this process I was not to fond of blogging and writing about myself and other objectives we learned about in class throughout the semester. However as I kept writing, I could not stop. Writing online almost became addictive and I started to really enjoy doing it. I learned that I have a very strong opinion and have become very passionate about what I had learned in my ALES204 class persuading me to write more and more about my thoughts on certain subjects pertaining to social networking. I believe that I have become a stronger writer on the works of creating my online portfolio. This was a great experience and I will continue to write and encourage others to read what I have to say or to even make an online portfolio for them.

Technology World: Retrieved December 1, 2011 from Google Images:
http://www-computer.org/computer-technology. Copyright 2011 by admin
Technology is an integral part of modern society and continues to expand to extreme heights. Technology is used in every day life and is used in order to better our world and discover new things. I have researched many diseases and nutrition based discoveries. Technology is very useful in gathering new information and hearing what others have discovered or new information that has been found. My goal is to become a Registered Dietitian and technology has allowed other dietitians to communicate with each other and obtain all the new and useful information that is needed in order to better there patients and give them the best treatment that they need.  Dietitians use technology as a way to educate people all over the world in order to give them healthy tips to improve their eating habits or inform people with specific diseases of the effects certain foods may have on them. Technology enables news to be presented in a way that is easy accessible for people to gather as well as advertise the importance in specific foods that has been found in them. Dietitians use technology on a daily basis and the facts that they find in research are displayed by technology in a way that most people are capable of acquiring.

Throughout the semester I commented on some of my fellow students blog posts regarding what we have learned in our ALES 204 class. Lots of the posts I read were very insightful and informative with very strongly based opinions on specific topics. Here are some of my classmates blogs I commented on. Take a look!

Kelsey Rolof
Avishta Seeras
Cam Parsons
Ninfa Garay
Brianna Cheng

Monday, 5 December 2011

PechaKucha Presentations

PechaKucha: Retrieved November 27, 2011 from Google Images:
Copyright 2011 by klambert4
PechaKucha is a type of presentation that includes 20 images that are displayed for 20 seconds as the presenter is speaking. This is a very simple presentation that keeps your audience engaged in what you are saying. Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham architecture are the creators of the PechaKucha presentations. I found that all of the PechaKucha presentations I watched kept me interested in what the presenter was saying mainly due to the length of time each slide was displayed for. Speaking for 20 seconds about each image is not too long or too short. I have listened to many presentations throughout my life, especially for school. If a presenter presents on one slide for too long it may cause your audience to lose concentration in what you are saying or to potentially fall asleep. On the other hand, if a presenter presents for too short on one slide it will not allow your audience to take in what you are saying and they will become frustrated if you are talking to fast. 

PechaKucha nights are held in many different communities in various places such as churches, universities, halls, homes, restaurants, or even clubs. These celebrations are happening all over the world, inspiring others to increase their knowledge in certain fields and encouraging people to become apart of these presentations. It is also a way to learn about other people’s hobbies or new activities that you may have never heard about before.

PechaKucha Images: Retrieved November 27, 2011 
from Google Images:http://onmilwaukee.com/bars/articles/
pechakucha.htmlCopyright 2011 by Julie Lawrence
The great thing about PechaKucha presentations is that ANYONE can make a presentation and EVERYONE is invited to present at PechaKucha Nights. Most people wonder, “What king of information do these presentations allow you to present?” The answer to this question is yet again, ANYTHING! People are encouraged to present what they love, what they are interested in, projects they may be working on, or just something they are passionate about. These topics can range from your favorite movie or activity to a scientific research or organization that is of interest.

There are many PechaKucha presentations available online. It may just interest you to create a presenation yourself! Take a look here! I read over many of my classmates blog posts but could not find someone who wrote on PechaKucha presentations which is really unfortunate. However, my professsor Dr. Laccetti has posted a blog post regarding this topic so whether it is new to you or you would like to look back at it, click here!

PechaKucha Audience: Retrieved November 28, 2011 from Google Images:
Copyright 2011 by vanillainkuk